Koji Usaka
Usaka Koji became famous for his 'Akae' fine red illustrations and the organic structures in his works. Moving between his base in Hakodate, his wood fired kiln in Kagawa and occasionally going back to Tochigi where he opened his first studio, he has continued to make a name for himself, most notably with his striking Mt. Fuji patterns.
Usaka's unique and quirky designs make each and every one of his pieces charismatic and unique. As a result, no matter where in the world you happen to come across his works, each one is instantly recognisable and should be cherished.

1956 Born in Kagawa Prefecture
1980 Studio-Oval was established in Motegi, Tochigi Prefecture
1983 Exhibition Bajitofu (Gallery Jonaisaka Mashiko)
1990 The First Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramic Arts
(Kasama Nichido Museum of Art)
Exhibition Creation and Groups
(Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
1992 THE WALL Exhibition
(Kyoto Mitsukoshi, Awajicho-Gallery)
1994 La Pafum (Galerie kouki Paris)
1996 Studio-Oval was relocated to Hakodate City, Hokkaido
Solo Exhibition (every year)
(Moegi Gallery M’S Mashiko)
2000 Solo Exhibition (every year)
(Gallery Shun Tokyo)
2001 Solo Exhibition
(Tokyo American Club Genkan Gallery Tokyo)
2003 Solo Exhibition (05, 07, 09, 11, 13)
(Mitsukoshi Gallery Sapporo)
2011 Southen Hokkaido Artists in the 21th Century
(Hokadate Museum of Art Hokkaido)
2012 Solo Exhibition
(Mitsukoshi Gallery Fukuoka)
2014 Solo Exhibition
(Gallery Fuuro Mejiro)
2017 Grenville Room (British Museum)
Frequent participation in numerous solo and group exhibitions