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Kayin Lam

Local ceramicist, Kayin Lam, graduated with a BA Visual Arts (Hons) at Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2016. Interested in playing with geometry as well as positive and negative space, LAM considers working with clay as a search of balance. Balance is an important principle in many aspects of our lives, and it applies to ceramics too. Apart from geometric forms, her visual vocabulary also consists of repetition of lines, basic colour and simplified shapes, along with a strong affinity for proportion. She believes that clay is a primitive natural material, with craftsmanship, a huge variety of artful possibilities can be revealed.



​2015   "The Past is Continuing - Words of Vase", 
Hong Kong Heritage Museum
2016   "Ngaan", Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, HKBU
2016   "AVA Graduation Exhibition BA", Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU
2016   "Fresh Trend", Hong Kong City Hall

2016   "Art in CNCBI", We-search, China Citic Bank International, Hong Kong
2017   "9×9", 1a Space, Cattle Depot Artist Village

2017   "Making Clay the Everyday", Waka Artisans

2020   "The Next", Useless Studio, Hong Kong

2020   "Solo Exhibition: Cube", PMQ, Hong Kong

2022   "A Time", AVA Gallery, HKBU

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