Masahiro Wadayama
Masahiro Wadayama creates strong character pieces with vivid colours and beautiful shapes. He is obsessed with studying the variability of flowing glazes. He channels his artistic sense into his works and shows the diversity and beauty of ceramics.

1985 Born in Osaka
2008 Graduated from South Dakota State University (U.S.A)
2009 Apprentice to Kazuyo Hiruma
2010 16th Shinbi Craft Exhbition "Yomiuri Television Prize"
2012 Selected for Kyoto Art Craft Biennale 2012
2013 5th Kakuchi Biennale “Incentive Award "
22nd Japan Ceramic Exhibition
6th Morden Tea Wear Exhibition
Kobe Biennale 2013
2014 3rd Hagi Exhibition
2015 23rd Japan Ceramic Exhibition
2016 Lexus New Takumi Project 2016 Osaka